Personal Information:
Name: Qi Li
Gender: Male
Email: or
Specialty:Neurology, Internal Medicine,Radiology
Research Interests:
Prof. Li has a broad spectrum of research interests including cerebrovascular disease(stroke), imaging study of intracranial vascular structures and function, heart disease and stroke, metabolic disease, and stroke, stroke-related vascular risk factors, central nervous system infectious disease, neuropsychiatric disorders and cognitive function.
His primary research focus is the treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular disorders (stroke). Strokes are the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of morbidity worldwide. His research focuses on improving stroke diagnostics as well as developing new methods to enhance stroke treatment and recovery. His primary focus is applying novel imaging techniques to understand the mechanisms of stroke and discovering new methods to improve patient treatment and recovery.
Prof. Li received clinical and research training in the Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne under the supervision of Professor Stephen Davis, former president of World Stroke Organization. He built up a strong stroke research team and network back to China. He has established close collaboration with international experts from Harvard Medical School, University of Melbourne, and Johns Hopkins University Hospital. Recently, He has proposed three novel imaging markers (Blend sign, Black hole Sign and Island Sign) to predict hematoma expansion in inpatients with intracerebral hemorrhage (all published in prestigious journal Stroke). His stroke research has gained public attention and covered by several mass media including Reuters Health, Healthy Living, and Chongqing Daily. His research has been recommended in the Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics as a novel approach to predict hematoma growth. His previous clinical research findings have been introduced to the international community by foreign experts in several medical books and online resources.(UP To Date, Handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders, (Springer, 2013) Evidence-Based Neuroimaging Diagnosis and Treatment (Springer, 2013) Clinician's Guide to Diagnostic Imaging (Springer, 2014), Pitfalls in Diagnostic Radiology (Springer, 2015).Ourfindings have been externally validated by experts from Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School and commented by Harvard experts as “leading to paradigm shift in clinical practice”.
As a first prize recipient of several nationwide and regional medical English teaching competitions, Prof.Li speaks fluent academic English and teaches Neurology lessons for undergraduate overseas students for many years.
Education:2001-2006 M.D.(cum laude) Chongqing Medical University
2006-2011 Ph.D.(cumlaude) Graduate School of Chongqing Medical University
2010-2011 NeurologyFellowship, Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne
Working Experience:
2010-2011 NeurologyFellow, Department of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, University ofMelbourne
2011-2012 Resident, Departmentof Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University
Teaching Assistant,Chongqing Medical University
2012-2015 AttendingPhysician, Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of ChongqingMedical University
Lecturer, ChongqingMedical University
2016-Current AssociateConsultant Neurologist, Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospitalof Chongqing Medical University
Associate Professorof Neurology, Chongqing Medical University
Professor Qi Li holdsdouble appointments as associate consultant neurologist and associate professorof neurology at the affiliated hospital and Chongqing Medical University.
Honors and Awards
International Awards
2008.4 AmericanAcademy of Neurology Travel Scholarship, Chicago, USA (10 Award RecipientsWorldwide )
2010.4 AmericanAcademy of Neurology International Scholarship Award (10 Award RecipientsWorldwide)
2010.9 Stroke Societyof Australasia, Special Contribution Award, Melbourne, Australia
2016.4 European stroke organization ESRF travelgrant, Italy
Domestic Awards
2008.8 NationalEnglish Teaching Competition for Radiologists, First Prize
2009.12 ChongqingNeurology Congress Outstanding Research Award First Prize, Chongqing, China
2011.11 The FirstAffiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University English TeachingCompetition, Most Popular Teacher Award
2014.6 ChongqingMedical University English Teaching Competition, First Prize
2016.5 China Stroke Prevention and TreatmentOutstanding Research Award, National Health and Family Planning Commission,SecondPrize
2017.5 China Stroke Prevention and TreatmentOutstanding Research Award, National Health and Family Planning Commission,FirstPrize
2017 ChinaAssociation for Science and Technology Young Talent Program Award Recipient
Invited Lectures andPresentations (International)
2018.4 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting,LA, USA
2017.5 World Intracerebral Hemorrhage Conference,Plenary section speaker, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
2016.4 Invited Oral Presentation Speaker, 25thEuropean Stroke Conference, Italy
2010.9 Invited speaker, Stroke Society ofAustralasia, Melbourne, Australia
2010. 8 NSRI 2010 Annual Meeting, New castle,Australia
2010. 7 Neurology Weekend Symposium, Sydney,Australia
2010. 5 ANZAN annual meeting Melbourne,Australia
2010. 4 Oral presentation 62th American Academy ofNeurology Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
2010. 2 GCNN Invited speaker, Stockholm Sweden
2009. 10 10th International meeting on vasospasm,Chongqing China
2008.04 60th American Academy of Neurology AnnualMeeting, Chicago USA
2017-2019 YoungTalents Project of China Association for Science and Technology, ChinaAssociation for Science and Technology, “Imaging of Intracerebral Hemorrhage”,(Grant NO. 2017QNRC001),2017.01-2019.12,CN¥450000
Youth Science FundProject of National Natural Science Foundation , “CT densitometry research of mechanism ofearly hematoma enlargement in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage”,(GrantNO. 81200899),2013.01-2015.12,CN¥230000
Medical ResearchProject of the Chongqing Municipal Health and Family Planning , “Computer-assisted research of early hematomaenlargement in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage”,(GrantNO. 2017MSXM014),2017.09-2019.09,CN¥40000
Chongqing MedicalUniversity Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Fund, “Vascular imaging of Cerebrovascular Disease”,(GrantNO. 2009036),2009.01-2011.12,CN¥50000
Clinical ResearchFund for Cerebrovascular Disease of Neurology of Chongqing MedicalAssociation, “Compared Vascular Imagingof subarachnoid Hemorrhage”,(Grant NO. BCB200900),2009.01-2010.12,CN¥30000
Selected Publications (First Author orCorresponding Author only):
First or Corresponding Author Publication inpeer-reviewed English Medical Journlas Indexed by SCI
1.Li Q, XieP. Outpatient workload in China. Lancet. 2013 Jun 8;381(9882):1983-4. IF: 47.831
2.Li Q, Lv F,Li Y, Luo T, Li K, Xie P. Evaluation of 64-section CT angiography for detectionand treatment planning of intracranial aneurysms by using DSA and surgicalfindings. Radiology. 2009 ;252(3):808-15. IF: 7.296
3.Li Q, Liu QJ, Yang W S, et al. Island Sign: An Imaging Predictor for Early HematomaExpansion and Poor Outcome in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage[J].Stroke, 2017, 48(11): 3019-3025. IF: 6.032
4.Li Q, ZhangG, Xiong X, Wang XC, Yang WS, Li KW, Wei X, Xie P. Black Hole Sign: NovelImaging Marker That Predicts Hematoma Growth in Patients With IntracerebralHemorrhage. Stroke. 2016;47(7):1777-81. IF: 6.032
5.Li Q,ZhangG,Huang YJ,Dong MX,Lv FJ,Wei X,Chen JJ,Zhang LJ,Qin XY,Xie P. Blend Sign onComputed Tomography Novel and Reliable Predictor for Early Hematoma Growth inPatients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 2015;46(8):2119-23. IF: 6.032
6.Li Q, YangW S, Chen S L, et al. Black Hole Sign Predicts Poor Outcome in Patients withIntracerebral Hemorrhage[J]. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2018, 45(1-2): 48-53. IF: 2.974
7.Li Q.Response by Li to Letter Regarding Article, Island Sign: An ImagingPredictor for Early Hematoma Expansion and Poor Outcome in Patients WithIntracerebral Hemorrhage.Stroke. 2018;49(2):e35. IF: 6.032
8.Xiong X, Li Q, Yang WS, Wei X, Hu X, Wang XC, Zhu D, Li R, Cao D, XieP. Comparison of Swirl Sign and Black Hole Sign in Predicting Early HematomaGrowth in Patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Med Sci Monit.2018;24:567-573. IF: 1.585 Corresponding Author
9.Yang WS, Li Q*, Li R, Liu QJ, Wang XC, Zhao LB, Xie P. Defining theOptimal Midline Shift Threshold to Predict Poor Outcome in Patients withSupratentorial Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 2017 Nov14. doi: 10.1007/s12028-017-0483-7. IF: 2.752 Corresponding Author
10.Cao D, Li Q, Fu P, Zhang J, Yang J.Early Hematoma Enlargement inPrimary Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Curr Drug Targets. 2017 Apr 27. doi:10.2174/1389450118666170427151011. IF: 3.236 Co-first
11.Li Q, YangW S, Wang X C, et al. Blend sign predicts poor outcome in patients withintracerebral hemorrhage[J]. PloS one, 2017, 12(8): e0183082. IF: 4.411
12.Li Q, Wu H,Yue W, Dai Q, Liang H, Bian H, Xia X, Ji Q, Shen Y. Prevalence of Stroke andVascular Risk Factors in China: a Nationwide Community-based Study. Sci Rep.2017 Jul 25;7(1):6402. IF: 5.578
13.Liu B, Li Q, Li K, Deng N, He P, Qin C, Yang D, Li Z, Xie P. Anon-invasive method to assess cerebral perfusion pressure in geriatric patientswith suspected cerebrovascular disease. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0120146. IF: 4.411Co-first
14.Liu B, Li Q, Wang J, Xiang H, Ge H, Wang H, Xie P. A Highly SimilarMathematical Model for Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity in Geriatric Patients withSuspected Cerebrovascular Disease. Sci Rep. 2015;5:15771. IF: 5.578Co-first
15.Li Q, HuangYJ, Zhang G, Lv FJ, Wei X, Dong MX, Chen JJ, Zhang LJ, Qin XY, Xie P.Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Early Hematoma Expansion in Patients withIntracerebral Hemorrhage. Sci Rep. 2015;5:11357. IF: 5.578
16.Li Q, DavisS, Mitchell P, Dowling R, Yan B. Proximal hyperdense middle cerebral arterysign predicts poor response to thrombolysis. PLoS One. 2014;9(5):e96123. IF: 4.411
17.Li Q, Lv F,Yao G, Li Y, Xie P.64-section multidetector CT angiography for evaluation ofintracranial aneurysms: comparison with 3D rotational angiography. Acta Radiol.2014;55(7):840-846. IF: 2.011
18.Li Q, Lv F,Wei Y, Luo T, Xie P. Automated Subtraction CT Angiography for Visualization ofthe Whole Brain Vasculature: A Feasibility Study. Acad Radiol.2013;20(8):1009-14. IF: 2.128
19.Li Q, Lv F,Wei Y, Yan B, Xie P. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a patientwith systemic lupus erythematosus after cessation of oral prednisone. NeurolSci. 2013 ;34(12):2241-2. IF: 1.749
20.Zhou X, Chen J, Li Q, Ren G, Yao G, Liu M, Dong Q, Guo J, Li L, Guo J, XieP. Minimally invasive surgery for spontaneous supratentorial intracerebralhemorrhage: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Stroke.2012;43(11):2923-30. IF: 6.032 Co-first Author
21.Xu F, Xie L, Li X, Li Q, Wang T, Ji Y, Kong F, Zhan Q, Cheng K, Fang L, Xie P.Construction and validation of a systematic ethogram of Macaca fascicularis ina free enclosure. PLoS One. 2012;7:e37486. IF: 4.411
22.Li Q,Mitchell P, Dowling R, Buttery R, Yan B. A case of cerebral and retinalvascular anomaly in a patient with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome. J NeurolNeurosurg Psychiatry. 2011;82(9):1049-50. IF: 7.349
23.Yang D, Li Q, Fang L, Cheng K, Zhang R, Zheng P, Zhan Q, Qi Z, ZhongS, Xie P. Reduced neurogenesis and pre-synaptic dysfunction in the olfactorybulb of a rat model of depression. Neuroscience. 2011;29;192:609-18. IF: 3.277Co-first Author
24.Li Q, Li J,Lv F,Li K,Luo T, Xie P. A multidetector CT angiography study of variations in the circleof Willis in a Chinese population. J Clin Neurosci. 2011;18(3):379-83. IF: 1.557
25.Li Q, Lv F,Xie P. Should CT Angiography Be Routinely Used in Patients Suspected of HavingAneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage? No! Response[J]. RADIOLOGY, 2010, 254(1):315-316. IF: 7.296
26.Li Q, Lv F,Li Y, Li K, Luo T, Xie P. Subtraction CT angiography for evaluation ofintracranial aneurysms: comparison with conventional CT angiography. EurRadiol. 2009 ;19(9):2261-7. IF: 3.967
27.Li Q, WangZ, Zhu D, Xu M, Chen X, Peng D, Iwata Y, Xie P. Detection and analysis of Bornadisease virus in Chinese patients with neurological disorders. Eur J Neurol.2009;16(3):399-403. IF: 3.988
28.Li Q, XieP, Qin X. Susac's syndrome presenting with consciousness disturbance. Eur JIntern Med. 2008;19(3):223. IF: 2.96
Selected BookChapters (International Book Chapter only)
1.Digital SubtractionAngiography in Vascular Imaging of Stroke In “Horizons in NeuroscienceResearch”,2015published in New York
2.Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:Cause, Current Diagnosis and Management In “Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:Epidemiology, Management and Long-Term Health Effects”, 2015 published in NewYork
3.Early Hematoma Enlargementafter ICH: Current Diagnosis and Management In Advances in Medicine and Biology, 》2014 published in NYC
4.Early Brain Injury orCerebral Vasospasm,2011published by Springer
Mentor for Master DegreeStudent