Faculty & Research

Scientific Journals

    Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology




    Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology [ISSN Print: 2225-0719; ISSN Online: 2310-8819], is an international peer-reviewed open access journal owned by the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University since 2013.


    The purpose of JCTH is to provide specialized information to hepatologists and readers. Furthermore, it is a great platform for scholars, lab and physician-scientist, academician, clinician and students to showcase their valuable work to liver diseases community.

    Recognition and Editorial Board

    Articles of this journal is indexed or abstracted in an internationally recognized database (SCIE , PubMed, PMC, Google Scholar, CNKI, Wanfang, and other  repositories) and it has 335 internationally recognized liver diseases experts on the editorial board.

    Article Type and Availability

    The journal publishes different kinds of liver diseases articles (clinical and basic health science), including original article, review, short article, systematic review, meta- analysis, case report, methodology, letter to the editor and editorial. All published articles of this journal are freely available worldwide in HTML and PDF format.

    Publisher and Online Submission

    The journal’s paper is published bimonthly by XIA & HE (USA) and uses Editorial Manager System for manuscript submission, review and tracking. The average time from submission to first decision and from acceptance to online publishing is 15 days. Authors are welcomed to submit paper to JCTH(http://jcthnet.com/).


    Click here to learn more: http://jcthnet.com/

    Click here to submit an article: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jcth