

    Chongqing Medical University Admission Information for 2024 Chinese Government Scholarship “Silk Road Programme”


    I. Introduction to Colleges, Majors, and Disciplines

    College of Laboratory Medicine

    Established in 1983, the College of Laboratory Medicine at Chongqing Medical University (CQMU) is one of the first-batch institutes in China to offer an undergraduate programme in the field of clinical laboratory. Over the past 40 years since its establishment, the college has developed into an important base for the cultivation of high-level talents in the field of clinical laboratory, with complete levels of degrees, a distinctive curriculum system, and reasonable academic ranks. It has trained a large number of backbone talents for universities, hospitals, enterprises, and research institutions at home and abroad, including the only academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who majors in clinical laboratory. Ranking among the best institutes in China that offer clinical laboratory programmes, the college harnesses an exemplary and leading role.

    The college has a strong faculty, with 85% of faculty members holding Ph.D degrees and 60% having studied abroad. The high-caliber faculty includes the Deputy Director of the Medical Technology Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, young scholars of the Changjiang Scholars Programme, recipients of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, expertsenjoying the State Council Special Allowance, winners of the China Youth Science and Technology Award, and winners of the China Young Female Scientists Awards.

    Aiming at the frontiers and directions of academic development, the college promotes the integrated innovation of "industry, academia, research, and application". It has advanced research platforms such as the Key Laboratory of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (the Ministry of Education),Chongqing Medical Laboratory Microfluidics and SPRi Engineering Research Center, andthe Chongqing Medical University International Institute for In Vitro Diagnostics. The college also maintains stable cooperation and close academic exchanges with well-known domestic and foreign universities and institutions such as the University of Chicago, theUniversity of British Columbia, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, and the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well asnotedin vitro diagnostic enterprises, tertiary hospitals, andthird-party clinical laboratories.

    The Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (Discipline Code: 100208) at the College of Laboratory Medicine of CQMU is one of the first doctoral and master's programmes in China in this discipline. It has been rated as the only National Key Discipline in this field twice by the Ministry of Education and the laboratory is the first Key Laboratory of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics awarded by the Ministry of Education in China. The research team conducts systematic and in-depth scientific research on "new methodologies and technologies for precise and rapid clinical testing " and "study on diagnostic markers for major diseases (focusing on three directions: infectious diseases, tumors, and metabolic diseases)". The college joins hands with the enterprises to form a "dual-supervisor" team and together apply for major national key projects and tackle technical challenges. For the past five years, the research team has undertaken over a hundred scientific research projects at and above the provincial and ministerial level, obtained more than 60 million yuan of scientific research funds, published nearly 400 SCI/EI papers (with the highest IF 87.21), won four provincial and ministerial scientific and technological awards, and was granted 26 Chinese invention patents and three international invention patents. With such substantial academic achievements yielded, the discipline was ranked among the top nationwide.

    College of Biomedical Engineering

    With members of thefirst-batch innovation team selected by the Ministry of Education as the backbones, the College of Biomedical Engineering of CQMU brings together a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and medicine-engineering integrated teaching and research team. Currently, there are 45 full-time faculty members in the discipline, 32 of whom hold Ph.D. degrees and 42% are under the age of 45. The faculty pools high-level talents such as one chief scientist of the National Major Scientific Instrument Project, one chief scientist of the 973 Programme, two candidates for the Ten Million Talents Project (the Ministry of Personnel), one recipient of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, one winner of the National Innovation and Striving for Excellence Award, one National Outstanding Professional and Technical Talent, two recipients of Cross-Century (New Century) Excellent Talents Support Programme supported by the Ministry of Education, one executive director of the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, and one vice-chairman of the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering. The college also boasts two "Chongqing Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Teams", one expert member of the "Double Hundred" Mentor Group for College Graduate Employment in the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Circle, and one municipal-level postgraduate supervisor team.

    The College of Biomedical Engineeringwas approved as the First-Level Discipline for the Doctoral Degree in Biomedical Engineeringin 2003. It is recognized as the first-class discipline during the 13th Five-Year Plan and a key discipline during the 14th Five-Year Plan in Chongqing Municipality. The five-year Biomedical Engineering (with a focus on medical devices) was selected to be first batch of the National First-Class Undergraduate Programme Construction Site in 2019. The college cultivates undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students in the medicine and engineering interdisciplinary field.

    Since 1988, Professor WANG Zhibiao, the academic leader of Biomedical Engineering, has led his team to study focused ultrasound surgery. In 1997, they developed the world's first extracorporeal high-intensity focused ultrasound tumor therapeutic system, making the dream of "non-invasive and bloodless surgery" first proposed by the American come true. CQMU has vigorously built severalcollaborative, efficient, and advanced platforms that bring together enterprises, universities, research institutes, and end-users, including the State Key Laboratory of Ultrasound in Medicine and Engineering, the National Engineering Research Center of Ultrasound Medicine, the initiator and permanent secretariat ofInternational Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery, and the training base for high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation treatment of the National Health Commission, etc. The team of Biomedical Engineering ofCQMUhas taken the lead in undertaking the project under the national "973 Programme", "Key Scientific Issues in Non-invasive Treatment of Tumors by Focused Ultrasound", promoting the research and clinical application of a new generation of safer and more efficient focused ultrasound treatment equipment. The team has also taken the lead in completing one of the first National Major Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Study on Spherical Focused Sound Collection System". The system is capable of stably and repeatedly measuring the world's highest sound pressure of 109Pa, and the project became one of the first nine ones that were checked and accepted nationwide.

    The college features ultrasound treatment technology and related interdisciplinary subjects such as medicine and engineering. It focuses on three distinctive research fields, strong acoustics and acoustic effects, multi-modal image monitoring and intelligent precision treatment, and clinical research on ultrasound treatment and Big Data. Additionally, it expands new research such as medical instruments, medical information, biomaterials, and Nano-diagnosis and treatment. In recent years, the college has successively undertaken more than 100 national and local scientific research projects, with funding up to 100 million yuan; it has received honors such as the Second Prize of the State Science and Technology Progress Award in 2010 and the Second Prize of National Technological Invention Award in 2000; and it has published more than 1,000 academic papers in domestic and foreign journals, including nearly 300 SCI papers.

    II. Admission Information

    1. Undergraduate Programme: Biomedical Engineering; Teaching language: Chinese

    2. Postgraduate Programmes and Supervisors

    Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

    Biomedical Engineering

    III. Studying Mode and Length

    1. Undergraduate Programmes

    Mode of Study: Full-time

    Length of Schooling: 5 years from autumn semester

    2. Master’s and Doctoral programmes

    Mode of Study: Full-time

    Length of Schooling: 3 years from autumn semester, with possible extension to no more than 6 years.

    IV. Eligibility

    1.Identity Requirement

    Applicants should hold valid passports or citizenship certificates of their own countries with more than 4-year validity and more than 2-year records of living outside China in the last 4 years (up to April 30th of the first semester). A record of living outside China for over 9 months can be counted as one year, based on the date on entry and exit seals.

    Applicants should be in good health andwell-behaved, with no record of misconduct, and must comply with the laws and regulations of China as well as the rules and regulations of the university.

    2. Nationality: applicantsmust come from countries that jointly build the Belt and Road.

    V. Application and Admission

    Applicants should submit their application and check the admission status in Chongqing Medical University international student information management system ( For more details, please refer to2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) and 2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Master’s & Doctoral Programmes). Applicants for the Chinese Government Scholarship should also apply on the website of the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System run by the China Scholarship Council.(

    VI. Application Date

    Applicants can submit their applications from the release of this enrollment brochure to17:00 Beijing time, May 20, 2024.

    VII. Application Documents

    For more details, please refer to2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) and 2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Master’s & Doctoral Programmes).

    VIII. Scholarship Standards (RMB/year)


    IX. Admission Standard

    For more details, please refer to2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) and 2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Master’s & Doctoral Programmes).

    X. Fees

    For more details, please refer to2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) and2024 Chongqing Medical University Application Guide for International Students (Master’s & Doctoral Programmes).

    XI. Contact Information

    College of International Education of CQMU

    Tel: +86-23-68485041

    College of Laboratory Medicine of CQMU

    Tel: +86-23-68485240,+86-23-18426264093

    College of Biomedical Engineering of CQMU


    XII. This brochure is interpreted by the College of International Education, and any matters not covered herein will be executed in accordance with the relevant policies of the Ministry of Education, Chongqing Municipality, and CQMU. The CQMU reserves the right to adjust its recruitment policies for international students in real-time, in accordance with the relevant national regulations for the recruitment and admission of international students to China.

    College of International Education

    April 15, 2024