
International Conference & International Academic Forum

    International Uveitis Symposium


    Uveitis is a common and severe blindness-causing eye disease. Under the leadership of Professor Peizeng Yang, the research team of the Department of Ophthalmology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University and its Ophthalmology Laboratory—the Key Laboratory approved by the Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, have been committed to the research of pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of uveitis. The research group has been recognized as the backbone of uveitis research, providing a platform for international cooperation and exchanges on uveitis research in China. The biennial International Uveitis Symposium has witnessed seven successful sessions (2007 in Guangzhou; 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 in Chongqing; 2017 in Xiamen; and 2019 in Zhengzhou). Some well-known uveitis experts and famous ophthalmologists in clinical and basic research from home and abroad have been invited to the Symposium to give speeches on clinical, essential, and epidemiological studies of uveitis and other related eye diseases. The Symposium has established a platform for extensive and in-depth academic exchanges for participants to promote clinical and basic research of uveitis in China.