Events & News


    CQMU Holds Briefing Meeting on 2024 Student Overseas Exchange Programme


    On March 2 and 6, 2024, Chongqing Medical University held the “International Vision Enhancement Series Activities - 2024 Student Overseas Exchange Programme Briefing Meeting” online and offline at Jinyun Campus and Yuanjiagang Campus respectively.

    The briefing was hosted by Ms. WANG Yu, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office, and was attended by relevant personnel from the Student Affairs Office, Graduate School and other administrative departments, as well as more than 300 students. Ms. Wang encouraged students to seize opportunities, participate in international exchange activities organized by the university, expand their international horizons during study visits, and grow into high-quality medical talents with cross-cultural communication skills. Professor WU Jun, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Office, introduced the arrangements for the selection of students abroad in 2024 and the overview of exchange programmes to the participating students, and answered questions raised by the students. The meeting also invited relevant persons in charge from overseas partner universities to explain in detail the programme features, course arrangements and other issues that concern students.

    In addition, current students who have participated in previous exchange programmes, and WU Yahong, an alumnus of Chongqing Medical University who is currently studying for a doctorate at Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands, shared their experiences in participating in visiting programmes in the past and their life experiences abroad. The atmosphere at the lecture was lively, with students actively asking questions and communicating enthusiastically.

    The partner universities of the programme include five top universities from three continents in the world, including the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, the University of Manchester in the UK and the University of British Columbia in Canada. Students will study basic medicine and clinical medicine courses abroad, conduct experiments in the world’s most advanced medical laboratories, and observe clinical teaching in teaching hospitals affiliated with overseas partner universities.