Events & News


    Professor Mark von ltzstein Has Been Appointed as Honorary Professor at Chongqing Medical University


    On the morning of May 10, 2024, Chongqing Medical University (CQMU) held an Honorary Professor and Visiting Professor appointment ceremony for Professor Mark von ltzstein,the fellow of Royal Australian Chemical Institute Chartered Chemist and Australian Academy of Science, as well as a member of the American Chemical Society and the New York Academy of Sciences.Professor Pang Jianhong, CEO & founder of the company of JP MEDICAL CONSULTING. President HUANG Ailong and Vice President TIAN Jie attended the ceremony, with representatives from relevant administrative departments, laboratories, research teams and students of CQMU.

    President HUANG Ailong warmly welcomed Professor Mark von ltzstein and Professor Pang Jianhong. He introduced the overview of CQMU, and hoped that the arrival of the two experts would inject new vitality into the talent cultivation and scientific research of CQMU, as well as produce more internationally influential achievements.

    President HUANG Ailong issued Honorary Professor appointment letter to Professor Mark von ltzstein

    Professor Mark von ltzstein expressed his pleasure for being appointed as Honorary Professor at CQMU, and hoped to further deepen exchanges and understanding with CQMU, aimed to promote cooperation to a new level.

    Vice President TIAN Jie issued Visiting Professor appointment letter to Professor Pang Jianhong

    Professor Pang Jianhong expressed his pleasure for being appointed as a visiting professor at CQMU. He reflected on his deep friendship with CQMU, and remarked on the achievements of both sides in promoting the exchange of international talent and scientific research. He hopes that more outstanding talents of CQMU will go to Australia for exchange and learning in the future.

    The two university leaders presented the book of Hepatitis B: The Hunt for a killer virus which is translated by Prof. Huang’s team to the two experts. It reflects the strong desire of CQMU to promote international cooperation in scientific research.

    At subsequent academic lectures, Professor Mark von ltzstein gave a keynote report entitled "The risk of glycoscience in advancing new solutions to human diseases", showcasing the latest research progress of Professor Mark von Itzstein's team, strengthening communication and exchange between key laboratories and research teams, and laying a solid foundation for future international scientific research and further cooperation among research teams.