Faculty & Research

College of Pharmacy -- XIAO Bin




Name: Bin Xiao

Gender: Male



Email: binxiaocqmu@cqmu.edu.cn



1998.09-2003.06 Medical Laboratory Science, Bachelor, Third Military Medical University

2003.09-2006.06 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Master, Third Military Medical University

2006.09-2009.06 Biotechnology, PhD, Third Military Medical University

2011.06-2013.05 Immunology, Postdoc, Duke University



2006.07-2009.06  Teaching Assistant, Third Military Medical University

2009.07-2011.05  Lecturer, Third Military Medical University

2011.06-2013.05  Postdoc, Duke University

2012.09-2017.12  Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, Third Military Medical University

2017.12-2018.10  Professor, National Engineering Research Center of Immunological Products, Third Military Medical University

2018.11 to present  Professor, College of Pharmacy, Chongqing Medical University



(1) Regulatory mechanism of non-coding RNAs and RNA binding protein in tumor

(2) Basic and applied research of non-coding RNAs as novel biotechnological drugs

(3) Basic and applied research of anti-tumor nucleic acid drugs



(1) First Prize in Natural Science of Chongqing,2019

(2) Chongqing Talents – Exceptional Young Talents Project,2020-2023

(3) Chongqing Youth Science and Talent Training Project,2014-2017

(4) Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents Support Objects of Former General Logistics Department of PLA,2015-2018

(5) Outstanding Young Talents of Third Military Medical University, 2017

(6) Chongqing Excellent Doctoral Thesis,2011

(7) National Natural Science Foundation of China (82373001, 82073254, 81872392, 81202310)

(8) Chongqing Natural Science Foundation Innovation and Development Joint Fund, 2022-2025

(9) Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, 2021-2024

(10) Graduate Tutor Team Construction Project of Chongqing, 2023-2025

(11) Future Medical Youth Innovation Team Project of Chongqing Medical University, 2022-2024


PUBLICATIONS (2013-present)

(1) Xiao B, Wang Y, Li W, Baker M, Guo J, Corbet K, Tsalik EL, Li QJ, Palmer SM, Woods CW, Li Z, Chao NJ*, He YW*. Plasma microRNA signature as a noninvasive biomarker for acute graft-versus-host disease. Blood. 2013, 122(19):3365-75. (IF2021=25.476)

(2) Yang F, Ma Q, Huang B, Wang X, Pan X, Yu T, Ran L, Jiang S, Li H, Chen Y, Liu Y, Liang C, Ren J, Zhang Y, Wang S, Li W, Xiao B. CircNFATC3 promotes the proliferation of gastric cancer through binding to IGF2BP3 and restricting its ubiquitination to enhance CCND1 mRNA stability. J Transl Med. 2023 Jun 20;21(1):402. (IF=7.4)

(3) Ma Q#, Yang F#, Huang B, Pan X, Li W, Yu T, Wang X, Ran L, Qian K, Li H, Li H, Liu Y, Liang C, Ren J, Zhang Y, Wang S, Xiao B*. CircARID1A binds to IGF2BP3 in gastric cancer and promotes cancer proliferation by forming a circARID1A-IGF2BP3-SLC7A5 RNA-protein ternary complex. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Aug 19;41(1):251. (IF=11.3)

(4) Pan X, Huang B, Ma Q, Ren J, Liu Y, Wang C, Zhang D, Fu J, Ran L, Yu T, Li H, Wang X, Yang F, Liang C, Zhang Y, Wang S, Ren J, Li W*, Wang Y*, Xiao B*. Circular RNA circ-TNPO3 inhibits clear cell renal cell carcinoma metastasis by binding to IGF2BP2 and destabilizing SERPINH1 mRNA. Clin Transl Med. 2022 Jul;12(7):e994. (IF=10.6)

(5) Yu T#, Ran L#, Zhao H#, Yin P, Li W, Lin J, Mao H, Cai D, Ma Q, Pan X, Wang X, Wu J, Zeng H, Zhang W, Lu D, Luo P, Zou Q*, Xiao B*.Circular RNA circ-TNPO3 suppresses metastasis of gastric cancer by acting as a protein decoy for IGF2BP3 to regulate the expression of MYC and SNAIL. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2021. 26: 649-664. (IF=10.183)

(6) Li W#, Ma Q#, Wang X , Tang M, Lin J*, Xiao B*.The Characteristics of Two Patients Co-Infected With SARS-CoV-2 and HIV in Wuhan, China. J Med Virol. 2021, 93(1): 85-88. (IF=20.693)

(7) Zhang X, Li F, Tang Y, Ren Q, Xiao B*(Co-corresponding author), Wan Y*, Jiang S*. miR-21a in exosomes from Lewis lung carcinoma cells accelerates tumor growth through targeting PDCD4 to enhance expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Oncogene.2020 Oct;39(40):6354-6369.(IF=9.867)

(8) Wang L, Yu T, Li W, Li M, Zuo Q, Zou Q, Xiao B*.The miR-29c-KIAA1199 axis regulates gastric cancer migration by binding with WBP11 and PTP4A3. Oncogene. 2019, 38(17):3134-3150. (IF=7.971)

(9) Wang L, Lin J, Yu T, Zuo Q, Shen B, Zhang H, Liu B, Cai D, Mao H, Zhao H, Zou Q, Xiao B. Identification of plasma miR-106a-5p and miR-30a-5p as potential biomarkers for mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. Clin Biochem. 2020 Oct;84:79-86. (IF=3.283)

(10) Yu T#, Gong L#, Li W#, Zuo Q, Cai D, Mao H, Wang L, Lin J*, Xiao B*. MiR-30a suppresses metastasis of gastric adenocarcinoma via targeting FAPα. Cancer Biomark. 2020;27(4):471-484. (IF=4.382)

(11) Lin J#, Cai D#, Li W#, Yu T, Mao H, Jiang S*, Xiao B*. Plasma circular RNA panel acts as a novel diagnostic biomarker for colorectal cancer. Clin Biochem. 2019 Dec;74:60-68. (IF=2.573)

(12) Xiao B#, Liu Z#, Li BS, Tang B, Li W, Guo G, Shi Y, Wang F, Wu Y, Tong WD, Guo H, Mao XH, Zou QM*. Induction of microRNA-155 during Helicobacter pylori infection and its negative regulatory role in the inflammatory response. J Infect Dis. 2009, 200(6): 916–25. (IF=5.865)(The official journal of the Infectious Diseases Association of America)

(13) Xiao B#, *, Wang L#, Li W, Gong L, Yu T, Zuo QF, Zhao HW*, Zou QM*. Plasma microRNA panel is a novel biomarker for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and associated with podocyte apoptosis. Cell Death Dis. 2018. May 10;9(5):533.  (IF=5.959)

(14) Yu T, Wang L, Li W, Zuo QF, Li MM,Zou QM, Xiao B*. Downregulation of miR-491-5p promotes gastric cancer metastasis by regulating SNAIL and FGFR4. Cancer Sci. 2018 May;109(5):1393-1403.(IF=6.716)

(15) Wang N, Wang L, Yang Y, Gong L, Xiao B*(Co-corresponding author), Liu X*. A serum exosomal microRNA panel as a potential biomarker test for gastric cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Nov 25;493(3):1322-1328. (IF=2.47)

(16) Yu T, Zuo QF, Gong L, Wang LN, Zou QM, Xiao B*. MicroRNA-491 regulates the proliferation and apoptosis of CD8(+) T cells. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:30923.(IF=4.26)

(17) Zuo QF#, Zhang R#, Li BS, Zhao YL, Zhuang Y, Yu T, Gong L, Li S, Xiao B*(Co-corresponding author), Zou QM*. MicroRNA-141 inhibits tumor growth and metastasis in gastric cancer by directly targeting transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif, TAZ. Cell Death Dis. 2015, 6:e1623.( IF=5.378)

(18) Zuo QF#, Cao LY#, Yu T, Gong L, Wang LN, Zhao YL, Xiao B*(Co-corresponding author), Zou QM*. MicroRNA-22 inhibits tumor growth and metastasis in gastric cancer by directly targeting MMP14 and Snail. Cell Death Dis. 2015 , 6:e2000. ( IF=5.378)

(19) Li BS#, Zuo QF#, Zhao YL, Xiao B, Zhuang Y, Mao XH, Wu C, Yang SM, Zeng H, Zou QM*, Guo G*. MicroRNA-25 promotes gastric cancer migration, invasion and proliferation by directly targeting transducer of ERBB2, 1 and correlates with poor survival. Oncogene. 2015, 34(20):2556-65. (IF=7.932)

(20) Zhu ED, Li N, Li BS, Li W, Zhang WJ, Mao XH, Guo G, Zou QM*, Xiao B*. miR-30b, Down-Regulated in Gastric Cancer, Promotes Apoptosis and Suppresses Tumor Growth by Targeting Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1. PLoS One. 2014, 9(8):e106049. (IF=3.232)