M. Cai, H. Luo, X. Meng, Y. Cui, and W. Wang*, “Network distribution and sentiment interaction: Information diffusion mechanisms between social bots and human users on social media,” Information Processing & Management, vol. 60, no. 2, p. 103 197, 2023.
J. Fan, L. Zhu, X. Wu, C. Luo, A. Huang*, and W. Wang*, “Covid-19 vaccination in the mass vaccination center: Clinical practice and effectiveness analysis,” Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 11, p. 1 072 883, 2023.
Y. Lai, Y. Liu, K. Zheng, and W. Wang*, “Robustness of interdependent higher-order networks,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 33, no. 7, 2023.
Q.Li, L. Cheng, W. Wang, X. Li, S. Li, and P. Zhu, “Influence maximization through exploring structural information,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 442, p. 127 721, 2023.
W. Li, M. Cai, X. Zhong, Y. Liu, T. Lin*, and W. Wang*, “Coevolution of epidemic and infodemic on higher-order networks,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 168, p. 113 102, 2023.
Y. Nie, M. Zhong, R. Li, et al., “Digital contact tracing on hypergraphs,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 33, no. 6, 2023.
Y. Nie, X. Zhong, T. Lin*, and W. Wang*, “Pathogen diversity in meta-population networks,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 166, p. 112 909, 2023.
H. Peng, C. Qian, D. Zhao, et al., “Message passing approach to analyze the robustness of hypergraph,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.14594, 2023.
H. Peng, Z. Xie, D. Zhao, M. Zhong, J. Han, and W. Wang*, “Reliability analysis of interdependent hypergraph network under different attack strategies,” International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 34, no. 02, p. 2 350 027, 2023.
H. Peng, Y. Zhao, D. Zhao, et al., “Robustness of higher-order interdependent networks,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 171, p. 113 485, 2023.
J. Wang, S. Cai, W. Wang, and T. Zhou, “Link cooperation effect of cooperative epidemics on complex networks,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 437, p. 127 537, 2023.
D. Zhao, X. Ling, X. Zhang, et al., “Robustness of directed higher-order networks,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 33, no. 8, 2023.
M. Cai, H. Luo, X. Meng, Y. Cui, and W. Wang*, “Influence of information attributes on information dissemination in public health emergencies,” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–22, 2022.
W. Li, L. Ni, Y. Zhang, S. Su, B. Peng*, and W. Wang*, “Immunization strategies for simplicial irreversible epidemic on simplicial complex,” Frontiers in Physics, p. 946, 2022.
W. Li, Y. Nie, W. Li, X. Chen, S. Su, and W. Wang*, “Two competing simplicial irreversible epidemics on simplicial complex,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 32, no. 9, 2022.
W. Li, X. Xue, L. Pan, T. Lin*, and W. Wang*, “Competing spreading dynamics in simplicial complex,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 412, p. 126 595, 2022.
Y. Nie, W. Li, L. Pan, T. Lin*, and W. Wang*, “Markovian approach to tackle competing pathogens in simplicial complex,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 417, p. 126 773, 2022.
Y. Nie, L. Pan, T. Lin*, and W. Wang*, “Information spreading on metapopulation networks with heterogeneous contacting,” International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 33, no. 03, p. 2 250 031, 2022.
Y. Nie, X. Zhong, T. Lin*, and W. Wang*, “Homophily in competing behavior spreading among the heterogeneous population with higher-order interactions,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 432, p. 127 380, 2022.
Y. Nie, X. Zhong, T. Wu, Y. Liu, T. Lin*, and W. Wang*, “Effects of network temporality on coevolution spread epidemics in higher-order network,”Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 2871–2882, 2022.
H. Peng, C. Qian, D. Zhao, M. Zhong, J. Han, and W. Wang*, “Targeting attack hypergraph networks,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 32, no. 7, 2022.
H. Peng, C. Qian, D. Zhao, M. Zhong, X. Ling, and W. Wang*, “Disintegrate hypergraph networks by attacking hyperedge,”Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 4679–4685, 2022.
R. Tang, X. Chen, C. Wei, et al., “Interlayer link prediction based on multiple network structural attributes,” Computer Networks, vol. 203, p. 108 651, 2022.
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J. Wang, W. Xiong, R. Wang, et al., “Effects of the information-driven awareness on epidemic spreading on multiplex networks,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 32, no. 7, 2022.
W. Wang, W. Li, T. Lin, T. Wu, L. Pan, and Y. Liu, “Generalized k-core percolation on higher-order dependent networks,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 420, p. 126 793, 2022.
X. Xue, W. Li, Y. Nie, X. Lei, T. Lin, and W. Wang*, “Cooperative epidemic spreading in simplicial complex,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 114, p. 106 671, 2022.
Y. Zhang, Y. Xiong, S. Shen, et al., “Causal association between tea consumption and kidney function: A mendelian randomization study,” Frontiers in Nutrition, vol. 9, p. 801 591, 2022.
D.-D. Zhao, W.-X. Peng, H. Peng, and W. Wang*, “Effects of heterogeneous adoption thresholds on contact-limited social contagions,” Chinese Physics B, vol. 31, no. 6, p. 068 906, 2022.
D. Zhao, R. Li, H. Peng, M. Zhong, and W. Wang*, “Higher-order percolation in simplicial complexes,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 155, p. 111 701, 2022.
D. Zhao, R. Li, H. Peng, M. Zhong, and W. Wang*, “Percolation on simplicial complexes,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 431, p. 127 330, 2022.
K. Zheng, Y. Liu*, J. Gong, and W. Wang*, “Robustness of circularly interdependent networks,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 157, p. 111 934, 2022.
X. Zhu, Y. Wang, N. Zhang, H. Yang, and W. Wang*, “Influence of heterogeneity of infection thresholds on epidemic spreading with neighbor resource supporting,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 32, no. 8, 2022.
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L. Pan, H.-J. Shang, P. Li, H. Dai, W. Wang*, and L. Tian*, “Predicting hyperlinks via hypernetwork loop structure,” Europhysics Letters, vol. 135, no. 4, p. 48 005, 2021.
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X.-L. Chen, S.-M. Cai, M. Tang*, W. Wang*, T. Zhou, and P.-M. Hui, “Controlling epidemic outbreak based on local dynamic infectiousness on complex networks,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 28, no. 12, 2018.
X. Chen, W. Wang*, S. Cai, H. E. Stanley, and L. A. Braunstein, “Optimal resource diffusion for suppressing disease spreading in multiplex networks,”Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, vol. 2018, no. 5, p. 053 501, 2018.
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Q.-H. Liu, L.-F. Zhong, W. Wang*, T. Zhou, and H. Eugene Stanley, “Interactive social contagions and co-infections on complex networks,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 28, no. 1, 2018.
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P. Shu, Q.-H. Liu, S. Wang, and W. Wang*, “Social contagions on interconnected networks of heterogeneous populations,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 28, no. 11, 2018.
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M. Zheng, W. Wang, M. Tang, J. Zhou, S. Boccaletti, and Z. Liu, “Multiple peaks patterns of epidemic spreading in multi-layer networks,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 107, pp. 135–142, 2018.
L.-F. Zhong, Q.-H. Liu, W. Wang, and S.-M. Cai, “Comprehensive influence of local and global characteristics on identifying the influential nodes,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, vol. 511, pp. 78–84, 2018.
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Q.-H. Liu, W. Wang*, M. Tang*, T. Zhou, and Y.-C. Lai, “Explosive spreading on complex networks: The role of synergy,” Physical Review E, vol. 95, no. 4, p. 042 320, 2017.
P. Shu, L. Gao, P. Zhao, W. Wang*, and H. E. Stanley, “Social contagions on interdependent lattice networks,” Scientific reports, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 44 669, 2017.
Z. Su, W. Wang*, L. Li*, J. Xiao, and H. E. Stanley, “Emergence of hysteresis loop in social contagions on complex networks,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 6103, 2017.
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Y.-X. Zhu, W. Wang, M. Tang, and Y.-Y. Ahn, “Social contagions on weighted networks,” Physical review E, vol. 96, no. 1, p. 012 306, 2017.
L. Gao, W. Wang, L. Pan, M. Tang, and H.-F. Zhang, “Effective information spreading based on local information in correlated networks,” Scientific reports, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 38 220, 2016.
Q.-H. Liu, W. Wang, M. Tang, and H.-F. Zhang, “Impacts of complex behavioral responses on asymmetric interacting spreading dynamics in multiplex networks,” Scientific reports, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 25 617, 2016.
P. Shu, W. Wang*, M. Tang*, P. Zhao, and Y.-C. Zhang, “Recovery rate affects the effective epidemic threshold with synchronous updating,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 26, no. 6, 2016.
W. Wang, Q.-H. Liu, S.-M. Cai, M. Tang, L. A. Braunstein, and H. E. Stanley, “Suppressing disease spreading by using information diffusion on multiplex networks,” Scientific reports, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 29 259, 2016.
W. Wang, Q.-H. Liu, L.-F. Zhong, M. Tang, H. Gao, and H. E. Stanley, “Predicting the epidemic threshold of the susceptible-infected-recovered model,” Scientific reports, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 24 676, 2016.
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P. Shu, W. Wang, M. Tang, and Y. Do, “Numerical identification of epidemic thresholds for susceptible-infected-recovered model on finite-size networks,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 25, no. 6, 2015.
W. Wang, P. Shu, Y.-X. Zhu, M. Tang, and Y.-C. Zhang, “Dynamics of social contagions with limited contact capacity,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 25, no. 10, 2015.
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A.-X. Cui, W. Wang, M. Tang, Y. Fu, X. Liang, and Y. Do, “Efficient allocation of heterogeneous response times in information spreading process,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 24, no. 3, 2014.
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