I. Programmes
For details, please refer to the Chongqing Medical University 2024 Catalogue of Bachelor’s Degree Programmes for International Students (Appendix1).
II. Mode and Length
1. Mode: Full-time
2. Length: Fall intake only, please refer to the Chongqing Medical University 2024 Catalogue of Bachelor’s Degree Programmes for International Students (Appendix1) for length of a specific programme.
III. Enrollment Quota
For details, please refer to the CQMU 2024 Catalogue of Bachelor’s Degree Programmes for International Students (Appendix1).
IV. How to Apply
1. Applicants shall apply and check the admission information through the CQMU international student information management system (https://lxs.cqmu.edu.cn).
2. Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarship programmes shall submit two applications, one on the CQMU international student information management system, the other on the “CSC Study in China” website (http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login).
3. Applicants may visit the CQMU English website (https://english.cqmu.edu.cn/) for information on bachelor’s degree programmes and admission criteria for international students studying in China.
4. No paper documents are required at the applicationphase. For admitted students, the originals and the copies are required at the time of registration for verification and archival purposes. Documents uploaded onto the systems at the application phase must be clear, authentic and valid. Applicants are advised to scan the documents using professional equipment, and are responsible for any consequences resulting from unclear or unidentifiable documents.
5. Application Deadline: Please submit application before 17:00 pm, September 30, 2024 (GMT+8)
V. Eligibility
1. Status
Applicants must be citizens of a country other than the People's Republic of China, hold a valid passport or citizenship certificate for more than 4 years (inclusive), and have a record of actual residence abroad for more than 2 years in the past 4 years (before April 30 of the year of admission). Note that actual residence abroad for more than 9 months in a year may be counted as 1 year, based on the datesofthe entry and exitstamp on the passport.
Applicants must bein good physical and mental health, have no record of bad behaviour, and abide by China’s laws and regulations as well as CQMU’s rules and regulations.
2. For Bachelor’s Degree Programme Applicants
1. Generally, applicants for bachelor’s degree programmes shall be within the age range of 18 to 25. Applicants must be in good physical and mental health.
2. Applicants must have sufficient financial resources to support their studies and living in China.
3. Applicants must have graduated from a high school or equivalent institution and be awarded a high school diploma or higher. Applicants must have chosen the science stream in their high school level studies, which, besides Math and English Language, should comprise pure science subjects like Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The admission criteria are detailed below:
1) For English-taught Programmes:
2) For Chinese-taught Programmes:
4. In general, the applicants should be graduating from high school in the current year of the intended university enrollment, with good academic and behavior records at school.
5. Under the same conditions, applicants to English-taught programmes with an HSK certificate will be given preferential consideration.
6. For international students under the age of 18 whose parent(s) are notordinarily residing in China, the parent(s) must formally appoint a foreigner or a Chinese citizen who is ordinarily residing in China as the guardian for the international student, and provide supporting documents.
3. For Scholarship Applicants
Applicants must meet the abovementioned application requirements for a bachelor’s degree programme. Scholarships are intended for outstanding students who need financial support.
3.1 Chinese Government Scholarship(Type A)
1) Applicants must complete the college preparatory course designated by China Scholarship Council and pass the exit exam.
2) Applicants must meet the abovementioned application requirements for a bachelor’s degree programme, with their Chinese proficiency assessed by the exit exam of the college preparatory course, and pass the CQMU admission interview.
3) Coverage (RMB/year):
3.2 Chinese Government Scholarship(Type B)—“Silk Road Programme”
For more details, please refer toChongqing Medical University Admission Information for 2024 Chinese Government Scholarship “Silk Road Programme” (Appendix 2).
3.3 Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship for International Students
1) Applicants must prove academic excellence, personal achievements and all-round development.
2) Interested applicants may submit their scholarship applications. The CQMU admission department will assess all the application documents and select the awardees.
3) Coverage(RMB/year):
Living expenses:25,000
VI. Application Documents
1. Passport (a photocopied/scanned). At the time of registration, the passport must be valid for no less than 6 months. Otherwise, please renew it on time.
2. A completed application form for international students apply to study at Chongqing Medical University (completed in the CQMU international student information management system).
3. A copy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy shall be kept by the applicant). The form is formulated by the Chinese quarantine authority. The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the photo or sealed photo of the applicants, the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital are invalid. The physical examination result is valid for only 6 months.
4. A non-criminal record. Applicants must provide a non-criminal record officially issued by the local public security with a validity period of at least 6 months.
5. Proof of bank deposit (which must be no less than the full amount required for the first academic year).
6. Notarized high school graduation certificate, high school transcripts and good behavior certificate (aphotocopy/scan).
7. Applicants for a clinical medicine programme (English-taught) must provide a valid certificate for TOEFL or IELTs score (a photocopy/scan).
8. Applicants for Chinese-taught programmes must provide a valid certificate and transcript for HSK Level 5 or higher. The HSK Level 5 score is valid for two years (from the date of the examination).
9. Supplementary documents: publications, papers, certificates of honors and awards, other relevant documents (photocopies/scans).
10. Documents required for scholarship application: applicants for the Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship for International Students shall submit an Application Form for Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship for International Students.
VII. Admission
1. Applicants areto beadmitted on the basis of competitive selection, taking into account their interview scores, academic performance, colleges/universities attended, accomplishments, etc.
2. Applicants with a final interview score of less than 60 (out of 100) will be considered unqualified and will not be admitted.
3. Applicants who are found to have any of the following problems during the admission process will be considered unqualified and will not be admitted:
1) Unqualified for application.
2) In a physical condition that disqualify them from admission.
3) In other conditions that disqualify them from admission.
4. Chongqing Medical Universitywill strictly examine the documents submitted by applicants at the phases of application, preliminary examination, second examination, admission and new student registration in accordance with national policies, and will reject those who are unqualified (including those who obtained the application eligibility through forgery, deception, concealment or other fraudulent means, or who applied due to negligence or misunderstanding). Applicants who are found to be in the above situations, no matter how far the process proceeds, will be immediately disqualified from application, re-examination, admission, or registration, or be dispelled.
VIII. Fees
IX. Contact Information
College of International Education, Chongqing Medical University
Tel: 023-68485041
Email: cie@cqmu.edu.cn
X. This Application Guideis subject to interpretation by the College of International Education, Chongqing Medical University. Any matter uncovered herein shall be implemented in accordance with the policies of the Ministry of Education, Government of Chongqing Municipality, and CQMU. CQMU reserves the right to adjust its admission policy in accordance with national regulations on the admission of international students studying in China.
Chongqing Medical University 2024 Catalogue of Bachelor’s Degree Programmes for International Students.xls
2. Chongqing Medical University Admission Information for 2024 Chinese Government Scholarship “Silk Road Programme”
College of International Education,
Chongqing Medical University
May 15, 2024